To my dear grandma Anita and the kisses that are flying in the sky.
After twelve months of journaling into my "Drehbuch" (Engl.: screenplay. Literally translated: "winding book"), I am exhibiting the first document created with the device.
The Drehbuch takes the shape of a wooden paper spool that I built, which contains a 30-meter-long striṗ of paper that can be wound by turning handles. On the top of the box, there is a window that serves as a frame for me to edit the paper piece by piece. When the paper tape is filled, it is removed from the box. Over the period of several months, I am creating a document that holds a diary-like record of my life during my travels. The notations range from accidental stains perfume-sprayed sequences to quick scribbles and notes like addresses, directions, names, and phone numbers, to more elaborate texts about my dreams, observations, and personal encounters, as well as poems, quotes, portraits, and drafts for performative actions, sculptures, and installations.
The Drehbuch takes the shape of a wooden paper spool that I built, which contains a 30-meter-long striṗ of paper that can be wound by turning handles. On the top of the box, there is a window that serves as a frame for me to edit the paper piece by piece. When the paper tape is filled, it is removed from the box. Over the period of several months, I am creating a document that holds a diary-like record of my life during my travels. The notations range from accidental stains perfume-sprayed sequences to quick scribbles and notes like addresses, directions, names, and phone numbers, to more elaborate texts about my dreams, observations, and personal encounters, as well as poems, quotes, portraits, and drafts for performative actions, sculptures, and installations.
The opening will be between 18.00 and 21.00 on Saturday, 20th January.
Büyükannem Anita’ya ve havada uçuşan öpücüklere.
On iki ay sonra “Drehbuch”(Türkçesi: senaryo, Kelimesi kelimesine Türkçe çevirisi: “dönen kitap”) ile tuttuğum günlüğümün ilk çıktılarını sergiliyorum.
Kendi tasarladığım alet Drehbuch ahşap bir kutudan ve içinde bulunan makaralara sarılı 30 metre uzunluğundaki kağıttan oluşuyor. Kutunun dışındaki tutaçlar, makaraları döndürmeye ve kağıdı ileri geri sararak hareket ettirmeye yarıyor. Kutunun ön yüzündeki pencere bir çerçeve işlevi görüyor, böylece kağıda parçalar halinde müdahale edebiliyorum, kağıt rulosu dolduğu zaman ise kutudan çıkarıyorum. Drehbuch ile aylardır seyahatlerimi günlük gibi kayıt altına aldığım bir döküman oluşturuyorum. Günceler arasında; kazara oluşmuş lekeler, parfüm sıkılmış bölümler, hızlı karalamalar, adres ve yön tarifleri, isimler, telefon numaraları; rüyalarıma dair ayrıntılı metinler, gözlemler, karşılaşmalar, şiirler, alıntılar ve performatif eylemler, heykeller, enstalasyonlar için hazırlanmış taslaklar da var.